Monday, December 16, 2013

Doubles Suck

In my endeavor to finish nursing school, I had to change my work schedule a few times.  This last time I changed it to work 3-11 and doubles (7-3 3-11) on Sundays.  In order to maintain my full time status (which they keep trying to tell me I don't have.) and work 40 hours a week, I needed to work a double once a week.  So, I did it; and I hate it. 
I've been trying for a little over a month now to get back on a regular schedule because I'm done with school (WOO HOO!) and I need to be home.   For some reason they don't seem to understand the concept.  Truth be told, I'm kinda just riding out the wave of stupidity, to see where it ends. 

Hopefully there will be unicorns farting bubbles, and lots of rainbows.
However, I believe that there will just be me, working the floor, 8 hours at a time.  The possibility of working a regular shift on the weekend is awesome.  What would I do with that free time?  Maybe I could spend time with my kids?  Maybe I could crochet a little more?  Maybe I could watch more Star Trek!!  Yes, definately Star Trek! :D
But, until that happens, I'll be here, winding down at 1am, playing bejeweled until I fall asleep, wishing I could be back on a normal schedule.  Ahhh, the life.
I do have to say, that being on 3-11 shift has brought 1 extremely awesome thing that I really don't want to lose.  It has brought "cuddle time" with my 8 year old.  Every morning for 15 minutes we cuddle and talk about the day, what is going to happen, if she has a test, is it early release day, what's for lunch, things like that.  I look forward to cuddle time every morning; and I hate the prospect of losing it. 

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