Saturday, October 23, 2010


Roger died this past Tuesday.
I'm trying to share the link, but for some reason I can't. Every time I try to paste it, it won't put it there. Maybe I'll type it in?

I hope that link works. It was a lot of work to jump back and forth to type it out.

Anyway, the funeral was today, and it was beautiful. However, I am VERY glad it's over. So many emotions, and I'm just ahhhhh, blahhhhhh.

I now have one day to recoup and get back to work. I'm looking forward to going to work, but at the same time I'm not so sure I'm ready. So many things....

So much drama too. I just can't believe some of the things that people do, even during a time of mourning. I mean...really-but that is an other blog. I'm too tired to even remotely think about this on a deeper level.