Wednesday, January 1, 2014

I think I'm going to die.

Today is ONLY day 3 of training.  Shelby will never know this (unless she reads my blog) but I think



I took a bath (at hubby's persistant coaxing-which I'm thankful for), just so I could relax my muscles.  So, I took the time to watch an episode of DS9.  But now, I think it's time for bed.  This day shift stuff is rough.
Today was my first day back on day shift after being on 3-11 for about 6 months.  However, I was ready to quit by 8:30am.  I start work at 6:45.  I'm trying to remind myself that this is just a means to an end. 
I got permission to come in early every day so that will help me with my assigment, giving me slightly more time in the morning to do the things they think we should be able to do. (which they totally need to get on the floor and work an assignment, and THEN tell me it's do-able.)  Seriously, when we are 5 on the floor, that gives us 12 people each to care for.  Well, we have an 8 hour day, so that is 40 minutes a person.  Sounds reasonable when you put it like that right?  Well, lets break this down.  On day shift we have 2 meals, taking an average of 2 hours each.  So, there's 4 hours gone.  We are now down to 4 hours.  that's 20 minutes a person per day.  Not 20 minutes at a time with the patient/resident...20 minutes PER PATIENT PER SHIFT.
Now, each patient has to be tolieted every 2 hours.  If we have 12 patients, and and toliet each one of them, and say we ONLY take 5 minutes to do this; it's an hour.  So, by the time you walk from one room to an other, you have an hour between tolieting people before you have to go back and toliet from the begining.  Normally, however it takes more like 10 minutes to toliet someone, so now your looking at 2 hours, which means it's time to go back to the begining and toliet the first person. 

So, I only have 4 usable hours during my shift that I'm able to give one on one patient care.  This is not counting taking vital signs, walking from room to room, collecting linen (either clean or dirty), reporting things to the nurse, doing paperwork, answering questions or giving showers. 
Seriously, you wanna talk about not having enough time in the day?  You wanna talk about stress? 
I'm not going to break everything down right now, but sometimes I feel overwhelmed and I wanna scream. 

 I don't, but I so want to.

Happy New Year!!!!!

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