Sunday, April 17, 2011

Easter all Week!

So, last night I looked up traditional Easter food, actually I looked up tradiational Palm Sunday food. Didn't find much that was really dinner food; and the stuff I did find wasn't exactly...palatable by my family. Since we are not Catholic, we don't observe lent (should that be capitalized?), which means we don't no eat meat on Friday. However, today we had a meatless meal, to "observe" or maybe educate is the word I'm looking for here, that certain cultures follow Lent and the "rules" set up by them. Tonight we had salad night. Tomorrow we are having pretzel pizza's. I know that the pizza thing isn't exactly Easter-ish, but the pretezel thing is. There is lore out there (oh noes, my MMORPG words are showing) saying that a dude (ok, I'll be a bit more political) that guy first starting giving Pretzels to the children in reward for saying their prayers. The pretzels were shaped like hands/arms folded in prayer. This is just lore I found, so to honor that lore, we are going to have prezel pizza's. I didn't want to serve JUST pretzels-although the girls would probably LOVE IT. My diabetic husband would probably love it too-but our doctor--not so much. So, anywho...onward and upward right? Tomorrow night, I'll figure out what to serve the kids Tuesday night. Tuesday is Passover. I know we're not Jewish either, but like I said, we are observing Easter (yes, I know Jews don't celebrate Easter, but Passover is a religious holiday that falls this week) this week in meals, and I don't want to leave something out-I mean it's right there people...really, it's just right there. Well, I came online to check out some school stuff...then I got all caught up in this blogging stuff. LOL I should see if I could blog from my phone. That would be awesome. I could lie in bed and you guys could NOT read my ramblings. I mean, c'mon for realz (oops, WoW words again)

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