Wednesday, February 2, 2011

A new way of eating

So, as I said just prior....we have to eat an entirely different way.
Bill has been the reciever of some 'WONDERFUL' news. He is diabetic, hypertensive, and has high cholesterol. We already knew about the high blood pressure, but the other two were just recently added within the last two weeks. Matter of fact, today we get to go and meet with a cardiologist. Yay...much fun! (humph)

So, we've been eating a lot of different things lately. More healthy crap, and less of it. We have a salad almost EVERY night of the week. I say almost, because some nights it's just too hard to open a bag of salad and dump it in the bowl. The kids were already sick of chicken; now they are going to be uber sick of it, because, well-Bill doesn't like fish.

Tonight we're going to have empanada's. (How ever it's flippin' spelt, or spelled, or wrote, or writed, or what have you.) I'm looking at the list thinking...I only need to buy 2 things. Then I start thinking about how I can't possibly go into Winn-Dixie with my pajama bottoms on. Of course then I think of my friend Mel who's in the ARMY and her pajama siteing at the airport. However, just because I live in Seffner, doesn't mean I have to look like I live in Seffner. So, I'll suck it up and go put on some real clothes. After all, I can't go to the cardiologist in my pajamas either. No one wants to see my Christmas jammies-which is sad, cause they are really cool. :-D

So, on my mission to eat healthier....also on a mission to be healthier.

Z, Apegirl and I are doing the couch-to-5k thing.
the girls keep me honest about it. (I keep saying that. Like it's my mantra or something.) I've also decided that to keep me REAL honest about it, I want to run in the gasparilla 5k next year. The dates are not posted for next year yet-since the run hasn't happened this year yet and all (lol, figure that gives me 13 months to 'train' for it.)

anywho...this is not getting me going thru my coupons (which I have totally slacked on) or even making the rest of my grocery list. I have a lot to plan for. Next week we are going to Disney. We were going to stay at the Nick hotel, but apparently it just wasn't in the cards this year. For some reason when I went to finally reserve the rooms, the price almost doubled. So, we are going to stay at the celebration suites. It's only about 15 minutes to magic kingdom, and they have a free shuttle, which is REALLY ok with me...then I don't have to deal with parking and shuttle-trains and all that jazz. However, I hope that there is some kind of goodness that comes out of the free shuttle, like...scheduled trips. That would be a great thing. Don't want to be stuck there waiting, regretting the whole "Lets take the shuttle".

Alright, this time I'm for realz...I'm getting of the computer, getting dressed, and going to the grocery store... after I just flip back over to WOW and see what's going on. :o) Maybe.

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