Wednesday, November 22, 2017

tooth pain sucks

Got my tooth pulled on my birthday.  It was a GREAT birthday present for myself.  It's the gift that keeps on giving.  Not how I wanted to spend my birthday, but hey, it needed to me done.  The stupid tooth broke back in January when I was in Michigan for my step-mom's funeral, and then the night before my birthday it broke off at the gum line.  The little pokey parts of my  tooth that were left were stabbing me in their anger of the loss of their friend.
So, I got that sucker pulled out the rest of the way.  Thanks to my imzadi for calling and making the appointment while I was at the regular doctor.  (yes, it was a day of medical wonderment for sure.) 
But, it's going on a week, and it still hurts.  I've had teeth pulled before, and I've root canals, and I don't remember them hurting this long afterwards.  I'm happy to not be taking pain pills constantly during the day any more, but it does get to the point where I need something stronger than ibuprofen to keep it in check.
I'm taking my youngest daughter to her second hockey game tonight.  You KNOW I'm gonna do some screaming and yelling! I just hope I don't regret it afterwards.  I'm not sure I'd be able to go to a game and NOT be a yelling fan, or cheering when we get a goal, and yelling at the refs because they're stupid.  (Par'ma'kai says I'm a horrible fan, and that he can tell I'm from the north, because I yell at my own team.)

Chic is watching One Direction.  TOTALLY forgot they are mostly from England, except Nial--Hermana Woerner will kill me if I don't say he's from Ireland.  I can't make 'generalizations' about this group, because the fandom runs deep with these two.  Chic is explaining an album song list to me, and how it tells a story.  I don't' think she knows about concept albums yet, and not that I *think* the album she's talking about is a concept album, but she's sure talking about it like it is. 
I remember when I learned what a concept album was.  I was already in my 20's. LOL, I told my mom about Operation Mind Crime by Queensryche, and how it told  story.  I'll never forget, she looked at me and said "Amber, that's what concept albums do." 
Dude, I was blown away. 
Unfortunately I was one of those kids who thought that my parents popped out of the Earth ready to be parents.  I knew there were things my mom did when she was a 'kid', but I guess maybe I thought it was a kind of matrix thing, where she was just fed those memories.  Well, now I know.  Some of those memories no one would willingly give to a child.  HOWEVER, now that I have kids of my own, I try not to have them think that I sprouted out of the Earth ready to be an adult.
WHOA, totally side track.  But it was a good one.

Well, I have to leave in about an hour to take Chic to the Blackhawks game. 
oh yeah, and I guess I should feed the ones staying home. LOL!
Lets Go Bolts!

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