Thursday, September 17, 2015

Children are precious little reminders that life is not fair.

Today...what can I say about today...It's only 8am and I've already been overwhelmed, frustrated, angry, and at a loss.
I didn't take anything to help me sleep last night, yet when I woke up this morning, I just couldn't get up at first.  I sat on the side of the bed thinking about how tired I was.  Bill even asked me if I wanted him to take the girls to seminary.  No, this is my ritual.  My time with the girls in the morning.  I got up, stumbled dressed, and made my way out of the door.  I didn't make a scene, because it's early, no one wants to deal with my nonsense.
Get out the door, get into the car.  Stephanie has the headlights on, but the car is off.  Proceed to explain to her that it sucks the battery down, and she should always turn the car on first, and to make a long story short, I also explained that the car needs to circulate the oil through the engine before you just take off.

Drove to pick up the boy we pick up for seminary-gladly didn't feel like I was going to die at the hand of my 17 year old driving a projectile weapon.  However, it was conversations that happened, that allowed me to think that perhaps an accident would be ok, because at least then I wouldn't have to listen to 15 year old logic, because I would be in a completely different room.  (Of course then the mother in me kicks in and thinks how terrible of a mother I am for even considering this, because of course at that point I wouldn't be worried about my own health, and happy to be away from my children, but instead worrying about them, and wanting to be with them to make sure I'm there to oversee anything that is done to them, because after all, even though I want to hang them by their toe nails from the tree out back like a deer, I really do love them and don't REALLY want anything bad to happen to them.)

15 year old logic.  (OK, ok, she'll be 15 in 12 days.)  15 year old logic says that I should NOT be a parent to other peoples kids, and should just let things go, and let nature take it's course. (not her words, my interpretation)  I should not inform other parents of things I "found out" based on what a 17 year old says.  I'm just a horrible horrible person I guess.

Drop kids off at seminary.  Say good bye to all 3 kids, say see you tomorrow morning to the boy I pick up, and he looks at me like "huh?"  Then I realize that I normally say "Have a good day" and wonder if my change in words has aflicted him in some weird way.  Try to say bye to Stephanie, but she doesn't wanna be late, and my own brain fart made me late on telling her "I love you see you after school".  I also was thinking that I needed to speak with 15 year old logic girl, but realize they have 3 minutes before seminary starts, so I had to make it quick.  Overwhelming time crunch came down on me at that moment, and obliterated everything in my mind.  I looked at Brina and said "What's wrong"  (this in our house is a no-no with her.  This is when ADHD is not your friend, because the no-no can of worms is HUGE.)  She went on her speal for a few minutes and I told her "We'll talk about this later at home." and I reminded her that she is grounded and not going to her volleyball game because (surprise surprise) she has a D, no wait, she has TWO D's.  As she's walking away she is trying to explain P.E. class to which I say, just be there when I pick you up after school, to which she replies "I still need spandex"  What?  What does this have to do with the price of tea in China?  SERIOUSLY!!!!  Did I miss something? because for sure I wasn't in this conversation she was having.  I must have slipped into a time warp, or fell into a worm hole and went missing...something, because....I love my children...I love my children.

"Bye Brina, I love you."

I'm going to the gym.  I have my arm band, I have my headphones, I have my water, I have my key.  Where's my key?  OH....MY.....HOLY....CRAP....WHAT. THE. CRAP.  /smash head into wall.
My gym key is on my key chain at home, hanging in the kitchen on the key thing.  OK, no gym for Amber.  At this point, I had been awake for hour.  A completely frustrating hour.

Drive to Walgreen's, get morning drinkage with not much incident.

Come home, get Shelby up without much incident.

drive her to school without much incident.

get on Facebook and lose track of time with out much incident.

I really hope the rest of the day is without incident, because I'm not sure I can handle any more crap right now.

Although things I need to do:
1. Shop for car insurance.
2. Crochet
3.  Watch Voyager

2 of those 3 things are awesome, the other-not so much.

On that note....I'm walking away people...walking away.  Maybe I'll make myself some breakfast-or something.

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