Saturday, September 12, 2009

Yarn Bombing.

ok, so Dee did it, then I was all OMGosh that's so cool. So, I did it.

Here's the mark. Chamber of Commerce building in Brandon.
The Mark

It's at the top of the stairs on the inside stairwell.
The view

Sabrina was with me, and wanted to show it off. LOL, I may have created a monster! LOL.
Brina showing it off

And here is the view from the top of the stairs.
Close up

I admit...I was totally excited to do it. I'm already trying to figure out where to put my next one. My mom says they probably got me on camera doing it. Oh well. I guess I'll be sorry when it comes back to bite me in the butt. However, I don't think that I'll be sorry. Probably tell them I won't do it again, and then of course I won't do it again...and it'll suck cause it was so fun!


  1. Just a small ball, like an ornament. It's gone now though. Didn't really expect it to stay long.
