Monday, September 7, 2009

Mothers Intuition

Today while I was at the chiropractors office, the chiro looked at Brina and said something about the dark circles under her eyes, and asked if she had a sugar problem.

I have suspected for years that Brina has a blood sugar problem.

I googled "dark circles under eyes" and "dark circles under children's eyes" and got conflicting results.

Some say there's nothing to be worried about.
Others say it's a sign of too much sugar in the blood.

Hmmm, that's an aweful wide range of worry. From little things like adding more water to their diet, or sleeping more-to having too much sugar and carbohydrate intake.... This would be the DOWN side of doing research on the internet.

I guess it's time to ask the doctor for some blood tests for Sabrina. Diabetes runs in both sides of her family. Her bio-father has untreated diabetes (or at least his resting blood sugar says he does) and my mother has diabetes, as her mother, her grand mother and probably great-grand mother had. So, there's a big family history. I worry about Shelby too, because her grandmother has diabetes, and my mother is diabetic, so she's got the predisposition too. Also, weight is a factor. Brina has slimmed down, but Shelby is a chunk.

We are eating healthier, but it just doesn't seem to be enough. I'll have to rethink our menu's. Sometimes that (to my laziness) is too much. Maybe I just need to approach it as a chore. The girls do the dishes, mommy does the menu planning. Making sure to take in account Bill and Brina's acid reflux, brina and possibly shelby's blood sugar, Bill's hypertension, Zsusanna and Stephanie's food allergies, Mine, Bill's, Brina's, and Shelby's weight. That's A LOT of work when planning a menu. That's aweful stressful when I think about it. Had to take a deep breath there.

oh well. Chores are ready to be done. Time for me to get off the computer and give some direction to the children.

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