Friday, February 3, 2012


I got my Tampa General ID badge today.  Tomorrow we may or may not go do an orientation at TGH for clinicals.  However, the "worry" over that will have to wait-I have a math test to study for tomorrow.  The big test.  The one that if we fail, we are unable to pass medications in the hospital.  The one that we only get to take twice, and no matter how well we do in the classroom setting-if we fail, well, we fail the entire semester.  So, no pressure right?

Today I've been studying (before I went into Tampa) math calculations.  I full believe that who ever made up the apothecary system of measurement needs to be shot.  Not fatally, but just enough that they can listen to the medical staff calculate how many drams of whatever to give him/her to save their life.  Oh, the meds don't come in drams?  you need me to calculate milligrams?  Let me bust out my calculator...this'll only take a few minutes.  What? you don't have a few minutes? your losing blood by the ounce?  Wait, let me translate that into metric.  I'm telling you...apothecary translation will be my downfall.  I have not even STARTED on Fahrenheit to Celsius.  5/9 or 9/5 can kiss my big old tukus!  (please don't correct my slang-I'm already doing it lol.)

As the parental units of this home, the spouse and I have decided to ban all carbonated high fructose corn syrup items in this house.   That includes us as well.  It's going to kill us all if we don't.  There are (as I already know, and my dearest Imzadi has pointed out so eloquently) many benefits of not drinking pop.  (that's "soda" to all you non-Yankee's)  I have in the past given up pop, one time for more than a year, but all it takes is a few drinks to get back on the addiction train.  CHOO CHOO, next stop headachville, and aggitation station.  Luckily I have found a comprable subsitute.  Crystal Light makes a grape with caffiene in it.  Doesn't taste quite as good as Target's grape, but if I mix it together, it tastes like grape kool-aid.  Bill and I are going cold turkey.  No more pop after tonight.  We are going to save a ton of money too.  I know I said somewhere that we are poor, living frugally so we can splurge, and well, this was one of our splurges.  By doing this, we may off-set the cost of healthier alternatives (you know, because it's so flippin' expensive to eat healthy...and they wonder why poor people are fat...who's the stupid ones there government?) 

So, now the question of the night is...what to have for dinner?  I have not been grocery shopping for the next week, I've been busy studying stupid apothecary conversions.

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