Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Years Eve!

So here we are again.  The end of a year, yet an other end.  Now come all the resolutions.  The I don't wanna do _____ any more, or the I wanna do more _____.  It becomes a cycle of promises we make to ourselves, that no one ever keeps for any longer than at the most a month. 
I'm no different.  (I know, it's hard to imagine; me princess of all that is good and wonderful. LOL.  Ok, moving on, nothing to see.)  I like to say I'll lose weight, I'll become more organized (that is a hysterical joke to anyone who knows me), I'll go to bed on time (my kids will think THAT is hilarious),  all this with the FULL intent of actually doing it.  But then I begin to trick myself into "one time won't hurt me".  So, I eat that candy bar, because it's only one.  Or I'll stay up and watch just "one more episode".  Then I find myself saying "Well, I did it last night and I was ok, so I'll do it again, because I can handle it".  Next thing I know, I'm sitting on the couch eating a snickers, drinking a coke and watching Star Trek until midnight!

Vicious cycle I tell ya.

So, this year I'm going to keep doing what it is I have been doing, simply because if it ain't broke, don't fix it right?
I'm going to start school this year, so why add to the stress?  I'm beginning 2 years of intensive RN training, that if at any time I fall under an 80% I fail.  No pressure.

So, I'll continue on my way, buying stuff at the dollar store (which, I totally think my sister should get a discount for working there; then I could get a family discount. :-D), going to Winn-Dixie to buy my groceries because of their gas rewards program.  (oh yeah, forgot to tell ya'll that I jumped grocery stores)  Things that help me and my family save money.  Things that make our family work.  Sure things will get rough in the New Year.  Sure things will get so bad that I'll wonder what I was thinking.  But what will get us through these hard times is the knowledge that things WILL get better, and now is not forever.

Our future is ours alone to shape.  We can't control everything that happens to us, but we CAN control how we respond to it.

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