Friday, November 11, 2011

Been a long time since I......

well, the answer certainly isn't "rock and rolled".  Rock and roll is a part of this house all day everyday.  Even today Zsusanna busted out the violin and played some rock for us!  Woo Hoo!  Rockin' on the violin!  Anywho... I have a bad habit of going long periods of time and not blogging.  BAD BLOGGER, BAD BAD BLOGGER.

Recently I've considered selling stuff on etsy. WHAT? ME? noooo, not possibly true. I've always wanted to make money
on crocheting. I LOVE to crochet, and it is relaxing (unless the dog runs away with my skein and knots it up.)
Making the Grab!
Making a run for it!
What the blue looked like when we got it back

"Ooooh, I got it again!"

Not giving it up so easy this time

and this is him trying to run away with the white. 
See what he did to the blue?

 I see so many people on there selling their wares, and I think....I could do that-couldn't I?  Bill asked me today, how long would it take me to make a snowman.  It would take a day if I sat my butt down and did it from start to finish, not surfing the net, not checking out the forums, not playing WoW.  Yes, if I sat down and treated it like a job, I bet I could make SOME kind of money off my goods.  Problem is... me.
I enjoy what I do, when I do it.  I don't have a set pattern that I follow, I make it up as I go along.  That means, I don't ususally get the same item twice.  Snowmen, well, that is a LITTLE bit different, because a ball is a ball, unless I think I wanna change it up, then I get like, oh, an oval or something.

So, although it is true that I could probably make a little money on the side selling my incredibly wonderful stuff, I know myself, and I'm a bit lazy.  Yes, I said it, and I put it right out there on that table.  Hey, at least I admit to it.  No trying to sugar coat anything.  I'm good at my job, I bust my butt at my job, when I get home at the end of the day, I'm tired and I don't want to be pressured into making something.  If I WANT to make something, that is completely different.   However, I fear that if I make something because I'm going to sell it, that I will become so anal retentive about it having to be perfect, I just may make everyone's life a living nightmare.  On the other hand, because I know it may only take me a day to put an item fully together from start to finish, I may put it off and put it off, and then when I realize I only have "X" amount of time to go, then I"ll bust my butt to finish, just barely making the deadline, and still being anal about things not looking right, and then having to listen to whomever (myself) berate me by telling me "If you had started this earlier, you wouldn't feel like this."  Sounds like I know myself pretty well huh? 
I know I can do this.  I KNOW I can do this.  I'm not stupid by any means, and I make pretty good stuff; but why doesn't that translate any farther than my mouth?  Why can't I realize it?  Hmmm, something to think about maybe.  However, I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to make money on my "wares".  See my issue?

ahhh, if only it were that easy to convince myself of my own worth.

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