Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Every so often, I get bouts of wanting to save money and all that good stuff. Today is one of those days.

I was looking thru Lisa's blog, and followed a link of hers to salad in a jar...how completely awesome this woman is for figuring that out! OMGosh...I'm speechless! I'm so gonna do it.

Also, I was talking to Mel, and Dee about my mom wanting to make her own laundry soap. Holy Cow! I'm so gonna do that too! Actually, I've been reading the webpage Dee sent me to send to my mom, like...all day LOL. ahhh, Bill's probably thinking I'm crazy! (Well, he always thinks I'm crazy) but really, like for sure I wanna try this out! How awesome!

Our garden is doing awesome as well. I killed all of our seedlings. :-( Amber is a seed killer.

However, I cheated and bought plants. Now, it's kinda funky cause there is a "I bought" and a "I got" so pay close attn and I'll explain if you don't get it...

Tomato: I bought 2 plants, got 2 plants
Yellow Squash: I bought 1 plant, got 6 but I think one died
Banana Pepper: Bought and got 1 plant
Yellow Pepper: (they were out of green) Bought and got 1 plant
Jalepeno: bought and got 1 plant
Cucumber: bought 1 got 2
Watermelon: bought 1 got 3

Now, I only bought one pot of each thing except for tomatoes- but the other plants actually had many different seedlings. I didn't figure they would all live, and in actuality, only one plant died!

Also, while mowing last week, I found 2 extra tomato plants on the side of the house. AND THEY ARE GROWING TOMATOS ALREADY!!!!!!! How awesomly cool is that? :-D

Anywho....I need to get going. Time to plan ahead meals. (this is nothing new, I just don't usually blog about it.)

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