Thursday, March 25, 2010

ADD, Compulsive Disorder, and Speech Delay

What wonderful things is my child destined to do?

How awesome of Brina to be given this "gift", or I should say "gifts".

How strong of a person is she underneath all of this?

I know, my family knows.

I seldom go into detail about my "special needs" child because I have friends who I look at and admire because their special needs child has bigger (to me) challenges than mine. I look and I see beautiful child who are destined to be something great. Yes, GREAT I see how these wonderful spirits have changed lives. Shown us how to stop and smell the grass. To sit and watch the bee's. Or even how to slow down and just simply play.

My life has been greatly challenged and blessed by ADD. There have been times when I wonder what did I do to cause this, how did I let this happen. Mostly I just want to understand-but I don't think I ever will. Will that stop me? Absolutely not! This is my child for pete's sake. If I give up, who is going to fight for her? Who is going to stand/sit/kneel beside her and comfort/encourage/praise her?

Brina is the most kind and caring child. She gives of herself freely. She often overextends herself trying to help. (which is usually how she ends up in trouble) I can't imagine life with out her. Brina is Awesome.

I tried to talk to the dr about getting a new referal to the speech pathologist, but the MD told me there was no way she could make the insurance company pay for something they don't cover.

I'll never understand how 1% is enough to cut off a child's coverage. Oh wait...the "healthcare" in this country is changing....lets see how far behind she gets now. (I'm sorry, that's an other blog entry)

ADD...Compulsive Disorder...Speech Delay.

Maybe one at a time this seems alright...and I guess all together it's alright too, but in my moments of weakness, and seeing it all together sometimes it's a little overwhelming.

I don't feel like I have room to complain. I feel like a bad parent when I do complain. I feel like I've been given the greatest gift. How God entrusted me with this wonderful being he has deemed strong enough to carry these "gifts" (often called burdens). That he believes in me to be strong enough to be her mother.

How Great Thou Art.

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