Wednesday, July 20, 2011

grocery day, and other assorted errands

Ah yes, grocery day.  The day that I use to like, and sometimes look forward to.  However, lately it seems that I LOATHE grocery day.  Maybe it's because the kids are home from school, and I have to buy for an extra few meals a day, or that I have to actually make sure there is snacks for them, or maybe they just are the worst grocery companions ever, and even though my husband would keep them all home for me to go alone, I kinda like the idea (before I leave the house) of not being alone in the grocery store.  However, Shelby will NEVER EVER EVER go with me when I go "big" grocery shopping.  Mostly because I'm not even down the first aisle before she's asking when it's time to go home.  I could probably get, $10 worth of produce in my cart and she'll be saying things like "Salad?  Really?  Just, Really?"  "We just had salad the other day, why do you want me to eat that stuff?"  Or, if we go down the meat aisle, she'll remind me that Zsusanna is sick of what ever meat that I pick up and put into the cart.  (that would be the buggy for all ya'll southern folk)  Then, because the Little Debbie display is right across from the meat section, I hear "Mommy, we haven't had (enter whatever overly sweet box of sugary goodness you want) ____ in FOREVER!"  So, when I say no, and there is a meltdown of epic proportions, everyone in the freezer and meat section will stop and look to see why that child is melting down, and then as she gets more aggressive in her plea for sugar, the dairy aisle will begin to hear, and they then change the way they are walking to come around the back corner to make sure that some poor child is not getting a beat down with a box of Twinkies.

 I just want to say that Twinkie the Kid is a wonderful acrobat.  He has flung himself into my cart unbeknownst to me on SEVERAL occasions.

Anyway....back to the problem at hand.   Grocery shopping.

So, yeah, Shelby doesn't go with me, unless there is an actual emergency that requires said child to accompany me to said public place.  It isn't pretty, and usually I need a couple of anti-psychotic drugs by the time I get home.

The older 3 have their own specific advantages, and disadvantages.  Zsusanna I can send off to get various things around the store, and she'll come back with JUST those items.  Stephanie, I have to worry about if she runs into a slim jim display.  The girl is addicted to dried meat products-and this is the child who wanted to be a vegetarian!  Dude, really?  Actually, it was a slim jim that interrupted her vegetarian run about 6 months ago.  It was the only time she feel off the wagon, until we kicked her off.  She was doing really well on it, but then she started to lose weight, and well, we thought it was the vegetarianism, we didn't realize she had mono.  Poor kid. 

Ok, how did this go from groceries to mono?  Oh train of thought.  HOLY CRAP, it's after 11!  I really need to get on that list.  I've been REALLY slack in the past few months about grocery shopping.  Usually I'm really good at getting it organized and such.  But, as said previously-I think it's the summer thing.

Ok, So, back to the kids:
  • Zsusanna-good at coming back to the cart with JUST the wanted items. 
  • Stephanie-good at getting what she SHOULD have unless there is a dried meat product around.
  • Shelby-no way, uh-uh, MAYBE if I have to-but mostly stays with the Daddy.
  • Brina....we have not yet talked about Sabrina.
Sabrina is my go-to organizer.  When I come home with a lot of cans (like I will today), she is the one I get to organize the cupboard.  She is awesome at it.  Like, she's been the one in charge of cans since she was like...oh, I don't know-3?  However long I've been with Bill.  Whenever I get home from grocery shopping, she's the one I plop down in the corner, and I tell her, when I hand you cans, please organize them.  (Now, if I can get her to do her room-that would be AWESOME).  In the grocery store, Sabrina is always ready and willing to help.  I can send her to get things, and she'll come back with what I want, but if she isn't sure, she doesn't make stuff up (like a box of slim jims), she'll come back for clarification.  However, as my Special Child, she requires a lot of patience and love, and sometimes we don't get that at the grocery store.  Once in a while, I need a couple of valum when I get home from grocery shopping with her too.  Mostly just out of worry of what other people who are unwilling to share the world with people who are not "the norm" are going to do. 

So, I guess since it's after 11, and we have to meet the missionaries at the Church at 6, and I have not been grocery shopping in...well, I plead the 5th.  I should get off here, get that list completed (at least there are meals on my list), pick a kid and go.  Last time there was a fight over who wanted to go! LOL

ahhhhh, the joys of parenting bored children in the summer.

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