Thursday, December 26, 2013


I keep telling myself "I'll blog about X later, or I'll blog about ___ tomorrow, or after Christmas I'll mention XYZ"  But, here I am, technically it's the day after Christmas and I have no idea what I was going to talk about.  Seriously, I procrastinate so much about just the littlest things, and even the most stupidest things that it's sometimes a big problem.

At work, I'm totally different. I am on things, I'm all over things that need to be done, and in fact, I may even do them before someone else thinks they need to be done.  At home?  FORGET IT.  Hubby has to pry me off the couch to do anything that remotely looks like something that I NEED to do for something important.  I have priorities.  I think I have them pretty straight.  Problem is, I just don't wanna do anything.  If I don't feel like doing anything, then I am going to find ANY excuse in the world to not do something; unless I'm sick or injured, then for some reason I need to prove to the world that I can do it. 

Like right now, I have a sprained wrist.  (that's a different post LOL)  I'm suppose to wear this stupid brace for 7 days.  SEVEN STINKIN' DAYS!  It is most difficult to do much of anything with it on.  However, I'm constantly taking it off so I can do things that I probably shouldn't be doing.  Turning my wrist in weird ways that actually hurts, and will probably hinder my healing.  At work?  OMGosh, I was thankful for the large gloves, because I threw a glove over this puppy and went on with life!  Now, I did remove it for the more...gross parts.

Anywho, I don't think I'm the only one with this problem, but as I sit here and type it out I feel pretty crappy about it.  I look like a giant couch potato, with an amazing husband who does everything!  (ok, so I'll admit my husband is totally amazing-he rocks.)    I guess if I look back on it here, and if it makes me feel that bad, I should change it.  They say change is good.  I just wanna know who 'they' are, so I can call 'them' out when it doesn't work.

Maybe that's what I'll do, I'll make some kind of comitment to myself to stop procrastinating, even if it's just one thing a day...ok, a week, seriously Amber, are you trying to kill yourself?  One thing a week that I'll stop procrastinating on.
My first item?  NCLEX questions. 

(what am I thinking)
This is a big deal.  I have finished nursing school (yay me), and now I need to sit for my boards.  I need to be practicing NCLEX questions.  (seriously, they give you 4 right answers and you have to pick the MOST right answer....dude, really-it sucks)  I've never been good at answering the questions, so today, this week, I'm going to stop putting off working on my NCLEX review.  25 questions a day! 

25 questions...that is my goal to stop the procrastination of my studying.  (I don't think that sentence makes sense-oh well)

alright, on that to watch some DS9

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