"Hey, ya'll wanna go over to the trach and peg and knock back a few?"
Except it's not.
The next step in our adventure was getting a tracheotomy and peg tube placed.
Tracheotomy so she can get the intubation tube out of her mouth and away from her vocal cords.
Peg tube so we can get the feedings to go directly into her stomach instead of in a tube down her throat.
Happy to say that surgery was successful. She's definitely resting better, and not gagging as much. I mean, if I had a tube the size of my thumb down my throat I'd probably gag too.
After coming back from surgery, I washed her hair, brushed it and put it up in a bun like she always does. I also washed her face. Seems she has a possible allergy to the antimicrobial wipes they use and decided to get all rashy.
I'll probably take the bun out today so her hair can finish drying. Last thing I need to do is have her hair smell like mildewy mold grossness.
Also, yes, I know she'll probably kill me for putting pictures of her like this on the internet, but this is going to be a long road, and I want to document it. If for nothing more than just my own personal therapy session. Or maybe I can look back on this and say "Oh that's when that was", because I'm really not good at time frames. Especially when it involves looking back in time.
So, buckle up....our travels have begun.
I don't know where they will go, but I know one thing: it's already been a bumpy ride and the rides just started.
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