Sunday, September 17, 2017

Monday Monday

So, I know there is this world-wide "hatred" of Mondays, but if your a missionary mom, Monday is the best day ever!
Tomorrow is my first Monday as a missionary mom, and I'm ready.  I'm so ready.
It's only been a little under a week, but I'm ready to hear from her.
Bring on the e-mails!

In lieu of her being gone, we have started to move her youngest sisters into the same room.  Or, maybe I should say, the 21 year old has made quick work of moving her baby sister out of her room.

 To say it is going well would be a lie, a flat out lie.  One kid has so much crap she almost puts me to shame (I know I'm a pack rat.), and the other wants to control how much crap comes into the room. 
Sorry to break it to ya dearie, all the crap is coming in, and melding with yours!  This is actually what they are going to look like I think...only  aiming at each other.

Right now I have a kid sleeping on the floor, who use to be on the top bunk, but somehow her mattress got switched to the other kids bed?  I don't get it either, nor am I going to try. Meanwhile, the other kid is sleeping on the top bunk because of the fore mentioned mattress swap.

 I have some time off during the week, and well, they have school, (well, I have school too, but I think I may have to take some matters into my own hands) and I may do some rearranging myself..

Or, I'll just suffer through their bickering and get mad, and deal with it.  Which is the more likely outcome.

But hey!
Tomorrows MONDAY!!!!!!!

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