Wednesday, September 28, 2011

blah-ity blah blah blah blech

I just feel so...meh

I also feel buggy.  You know the feeling you get when you feel like bugs are crawling all over you, but they are not?  Like you just found out your close friends have lice, but you have not been able to go home and check youself out.  Grrrrrr, I feel nasty buggy.  (no, nobody has bugs)

I didn't take my meds last night, because it was too late to take them when I got home.  I wanted to be able to wake up in the morning and go to work.  Really, it was only one night; but today (tonight actually) I feel really on edge, and irritated, and blah.  I seem to have a short fuse.  Withdrawls...gotta love em right?  WRONG I hate them.  ick.

So, we cut all the bills down and we STILL don't have enough money to pay everything.  I was suppose to go tomorrow and get my background check done for nursing school.  Doesn't look like we'll be doing that.  First, I don't have enough gas to get me through the weekend, and second, we don't have the money to pay the $50 for the fee.   Love life.  It keeps throwing punches, but we keep bobin' and weavin'

I should be doing my Visiting teaching, or making a grocery list; you know-useful things...but I just feel so eh.

Stephanie wants me to teach her German.  Zsusanna is suppose to be helping me learn more Spanish.  When I try to recall Spanish phrases, the first thing that pops into my mind is German.  :-(  I'd say I'm too old to learn anything, but that's a crock and I know it.  I'm still young enough...but I feel so overwhelmed really.  Lots going on.  At least, I feel like I have lots going on.  Probably not as much as other people have going on-but for us I feel like it's a lot. 

Picking up Stephanie from school every day REALLY sucks.  I hate it.  They won't let the kids walk to their cars any more, so I have to go through "the circle".  I hate the circle.  I don't even leave the house until Stephanie is OUT of school.  Even then when I get there-the place is still packed.  I hate it.
Tuesday is cheerleading, and Wednesday is Church and dance class.
Add work to any and every one of these days.

I keep getting side-tracked by Ghost Whisperer.  Stephanie is watching, and I don't wanna watch, but it's interesting.  Oh well, guess I'm gonna resign myself to watching the rest of it.

I'll worry about our "money problems" later.

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