Yes, I don't weed very well, I know |
So, I've decided that I need to pick my cabbages before they all go south. (which is ironic since I live in the south) I told Z that we're going to pick the cabbages tomorrow and we'll have them for dinner or maybe even lunch. I planted them because she LOVES cabbage, but I think it's too hot for them to survive much longer. Two of my heads are still good. One is COMPLETELY gone, dried up in the heat I imagine. One isn't completely gone, but there probably isn't enough good leaves on it to get much out of it to eat.
Whoa! That's Hot! |
Look how tall them suckers are! |
So...tomorrow is cabbage day I guess. I'll try my hand again later in the year, probably around September, or maybe October; depending on the weather. We seem to be VERY VERY hot this year for some reason. This was the temp after church this afternoon when I got in the car. I don't for one minute believe that it was wrong either. Way too hot down here this year it seems. Kinda sucks. In the morning we wake up and it's already almost 90 out.
6 year old and the tomato plant |
On a good note, my tomatoes looks AWESOME! I thin that's because the garden is slightly shaded in that area. The tree in the back yard has grown, and at first I thought it was going to have a negative effect on my full sun stuff. Problem is, the full sun stuff is almost SCREAMING at the sun. Like, every time I walk out of the house and look at the garden, I hear a faint crying and muttering. "there's the woman who put us here to fry." One of my tomato plants are actually taller than my six-year old. It's interesting to look at the before and after pictures. I have two of her standing next to the plants, and to see just how tall they are comparatively...it's pretty cool. My husband jokes that the first plant is so big because the dog pees on it. My husband also thinks it's funny that I had to tie up the tomato plants to a block to keep them from falling over. I told him at least it's not a car/truck.
I've also got some of my green bean plants giving me trouble. One of them are really growing very well, actually I should say one GROUP of them are growing very well. I planted 4 groups of 3. One shriveled up right away, and an other took some time to die off. The last one to "go away" actually produced some beans before it died. One grouping of my beans has really taken off and has claimed most of the trellis in that area. However, as I was talking to my mom about the type of beans they are, I noticed that I have two different kinds of beans. They were suppose to be a bushing bean. However, I have a bush of beans, and then a trellis full of runners. I also have long beans, and short stubby beans.
Pepper plant |
They all taste the same, so I'm not gonna be too picky, but since I'm new to Florida gardening, I'm just gonna blame myself for not knowing what is what and who is who. (Or I can blame the store for mis-labeling, or whoever labeled the seedlings....but-no harm no foul at this point.)
We've gotten a lot of veggies out of the garden. Next thing I'm going to do is let the pepper plants get a few more peppers on them, then I'm going to pickle a bunch of them. My family likes them pickled, so I'm going to do them the favor. :-) I like them just plain, but I'm just one of six.
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