Nobody asked for it, but I've been thinking about it for a while. To post "some what" what I do in a day. Now I have to be VERY careful because of the HIPAA law, so you won't actually SEE anyone, but what you will see are things that I have to do. I won't over fill you with the actual AMOUNT of things (like the making of 8 beds, you don't need to see all 8) but, here is a rough "graphic novel" of my day. LOL!!!! After checking my books, and doing rounds with the previous shift, I get a few people up for breakfast. I have about an hour (half hour after rounds) after I get there to get roughly 4 people up. That is NOT a lot of time. Think about how long it takes yourself to get up in the morning. Now, think about trying to do that to someone else. ![]() |
This is what I call the basket of manliness. I have an other resident who has what I call a drawer of manliness. At least this basket of manly stink pretty has generally the same smells. The drawer of manliness however....well, lets just say there are smells that don't EVER need to go together. Seperately they are ok, but together-not so much. LOL |
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I have to make a few beds. Depending on how many aides there are, I make anywhere between 8 and 15 beds. |
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I don't know why my pictures are flipped the wrong way. When I figure out how to change it, I will. |
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So, I get into the car on this particular day and realize that I have ripped my pocket. Probably on a wheelchair handle. This isn't the first time I've ripped my pocket on a wheelchair, and also, this isn't the first time I've ripped THIS pocket. You can't see it very well, but that thread sticking out of yellow. It's not white like the original thread is. I'm not sure this pocket is salvageable. |
So, on my way home I talk to my husband and find out we don't have everything we need for dinner. I've not been doing very well on my shopping trips. I've gotten to the point where I simply LOATHE going grocery shopping. I use to love it! It was my solace! I would completely be alone and not have to deal with anything!!!! However, now I think it's because I'm in school, I don't want to go. So, when I do go, it's all rush rush, and sucky. I forget things. My darling husband has offered to go grocery shopping for me, because he knows how much time I don't have, and he says he has all the time in the world. (which, just so you know, I've been a stay at home mom, and I hated it. He is a stay at home dad, and I don't know how he has done it all these years and stayed sane. O..M...Gosh. But, he has his time managed pretty good, so I believe he would make the time to go, where when I was a SAHM, I didn't have time to pee, let alone grocery shop) So, I was thinking of taking him up on his offer next month, or maybe even for just one trip a month. I don't know (He's probably cringing right now reading this thinking "What have I done?!!?")
All in all, though it's a great day when I get to come home to this.